First Collection
Il Pick-up
Odoardo Fioravanti -
Il Furgoncino Portavalori
Giulio Iacchetti -
La Romantica
Matteo Ragni -
La Sportiva
Matteo Ragni -
La Berlina
Matteo Ragni
Una serie di cinque macchinine in legno disegnate da designer all’epoca circa quarantenni. Era il 2008 e i designer erano Odoardo Fioravanti, Giulio Iacchetti e Matteo Ragni. Il materiale d’elezione è il legno di cedro del Libano, un’essenza con un forte profumo e un colore caldo. E il risultato è un gioco forte, indistruttibile, profumato, bello da toccare e da tenere in mano. Vagamente rumoroso. Che si può dipingere e poi ripulire con un pezzetto di carta vetrata. Un gioco di quelli che hanno una forma ironica e autoreferenziale, che quando lo ritrovi in fondo a una cassa dopo vent’anni ti viene voglia di metterlo su una libreria o di regalarlo a un bimbo.
A series of five wooden cars made by designers in their fourties. It was in 2008, and the designers were Odoardo Fioravanti, Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni. Their chosen material was Lebanese cedar wood, a substance with a strong scent and warm colour. The resulting toy is fragrant, sturdy, impossible to break, and beautiful to touch and hold. It's slightly noisy. It's something that can be painted, and then wiped clean with a piece of sandpaper. It's a self-referential toy with a sense of irony, such that when you !nd it at the bottom of a box after twenty years, you will want to put it on a bookshelf or give it to a child.
A series of five wooden cars made by designers in their fourties. It was in 2008, and the designers were Odoardo Fioravanti, Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni. Their chosen material was Lebanese cedar wood, a substance with a strong scent and warm colour. The resulting toy is fragrant, sturdy, impossible to break, and beautiful to touch and hold. It's slightly noisy. It's something that can be painted, and then wiped clean with a piece of sandpaper. It's a self-referential toy with a sense of irony, such that when you !nd it at the bottom of a box after twenty years, you will want to put it on a bookshelf or give it to a child.
Limited Edition
Michele De Lucchi -
La Nuvolari
Andrea Branzi -
La Casa Mobile
Mario Bellini -
Il Fiorino
Alessandro Guerriero -
Il Camion dei Pompieri
Italo Lupi -
La Reale
Alessandro Mendini
In fondo si tratta solo di una linea, niente di più, un blocco di legno e una linea. E la linea a ben pensarci è il principio primo dell'architetto, ovvero disegnare, che è un pò diverso da progettare: disegnare dà un profilo istintivo alle cose. E così queste piccole macchinine per bambini andavano fatte disegnare da chi ha un tratto inequivocabile, il tratto dei nostri padri del progetto. Sono nate 5 macchinine: per vendere fiori profumati, sfrecciare come Nuvolari, fare il pompiere, guidare da Re, oppure girare il mondo con la propria casa. I sogni dei grandi maestri tornati un attimo bambini, a regalarci un grande gioco per bambini, e un piccolo sogno per adulti.
Ogni macchinina della collezione Limited Edition è marchiata e numerata.
It is nothing more than a line and a block of wood. And the line, if you think about it, is the first principle of an architect. Drawing is different from planning: to draw is to give an instinctive profile to a thing. And so these little toy cars had to be designed by someone who has an unequivocal trait, the mark of our project’s fathers. The results are 5 toy cars: to sell flowers, to race like Nuvolari, to be a fireman, to drive like a king, and to travel the world with one’s house. The dreams of our masters, who became kids for a moment, let us give a big game for children and a little dream for adults. Each toy car of the collection Limited Edition is marked and numbered.
It is nothing more than a line and a block of wood. And the line, if you think about it, is the first principle of an architect. Drawing is different from planning: to draw is to give an instinctive profile to a thing. And so these little toy cars had to be designed by someone who has an unequivocal trait, the mark of our project’s fathers. The results are 5 toy cars: to sell flowers, to race like Nuvolari, to be a fireman, to drive like a king, and to travel the world with one’s house. The dreams of our masters, who became kids for a moment, let us give a big game for children and a little dream for adults. Each toy car of the collection Limited Edition is marked and numbered.